Monday, September 28, 2015

Running That Level One Diagnostic: Metacognition

Metacognition is essentially “thinking about thinking”.  It is not just thinking about, say, an algebra problem, but rather encompasses us thinking about HOW we are solving the algebra problem.  It is sort of like the difference between “I am driving to the store” vs “I tend to speed up some around this curve more than others, why is that?  I am a little rough on the brake, perhaps I need to ease into braking starting earlier when I come to this light.  My acceleration style is very aggressive, which costs money in gas.  In order to save money over the course of my driving, I might want to practice a more steady acceleration.”.

This is not a typical habit for most people.  Most people just solve the problem, drive the truck, draw the picture, read the story, talk to a friend, without being conscious of how or why they are thinking as they do.

Outliers tend to think, overthink, and think about thinking.  Like any other human endeavor, this thinking can be helpful or maladaptive, depending on how our thoughts are directed and what results they cause.  If our thinking causes us to have “paralysis by analysis”—an inability to DO because we are thinking so much and that lead us to fear--then that is maladaptive. 

However, the ability to consider how we approach a problem, to make conscious decisions not to automatically act on instinct, but to evaluate our instinct with our reason, is exceptionally valuable.

Metacognition is a skill that can be developed and honed.  Truly most of the people reading this already do this by nature.  

However, if this has not been your habit, then it might be worthwhile to make it so.  When you can understand how you think, ask yourself what your natural tendency is when thinking:  To become overwhelmed?  To isolate facts and miss the big picture?  To take in the entire picture but miss details? To be determined in following through the solution to the end?  To go the extra mile to see how the thoughts you just thought could be applied to other problems?  To not understand your true motivation?

Then you can use this incredibly powerful tool to make your brain run more smoothly and efficiently, as well as use it to smooth the way in interpersonal relationships as well as help you develop the emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of you.

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