Monday, September 21, 2015

Finding Spiritual Friends and Mentors Through The Ages

Geniuses think.  That is what we do.  We analyze and synthesize and ponder.  In spiritual matters as well, we want to go more deeply, more purely, more thoroughly.  Sometimes it is difficult to find other people who want to go there with us who can work in spiritual truths and understand intellectual limitations and paradigms.

Here are three considerations: 
a)We can learn from even the most simple of Christians because faith is not predicated on intelligence.  The wisdom of God is available to ALL who ask, not just the intelligent folk.  Humble yourself.  Talk to the child and those simple of mind but strong in the Lord.  Receive the wisdom He has given them that perhaps you have not accepted yet.

b)The Lord teaches and He is more brilliant than we are.  Spend much time, hours if possible, with Him.

c)There are many old saints and writers who were also brilliant and had many of the same struggles as we do.  I have found my mind much fed by reading:

     -Saint Augustine (a brilliant, doubtful mind who struggled against the Lord while trying to find      reason in false gods and teachings)
     -Saint Teresa of Avila (whose Inner Castle writings are amazing)
     -Saint Thomas Aquinas (with whom I like to parry and challenge)
     -Saint Catherine (whose piety and holiness is an excellent antidote to my tendency toward pride)
     -Blaise Pascal (the mathematician who was also extremely devout)
     -Brother Lawrence (a simple monk who worked in a kitchen, perhaps not the most intelligent person, but who has a purer, straighter faith than I do and therefore is wiser than I)
     -Kierkegaard (whose writings are surprisingly easy to digest and speak to the deep things of the soul)

There are many others of course, and, of course, we always have to be on guard against false teaching.  Start with the Word and compare all to it.  However, you can find kindred spirits who are united with you through the timelessness of the Truth of the Lord Jesus. 

Feel free also to question or discuss here, we are open to discussion.

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