Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Do You Have To Deny Your Intelligence To Believe In God?

Honestly, that is an excellent question.  It is disingenuous to tell the brilliant to put aside their minds, and in fact, I would even go so far as to say that it is not glorifying to God.  Remember, God gave us these brains.  To expect someone not to use them is to tell them not to use their legs if they want to believe in God.

Here are a few things we have discovered as Outlier Christians:

1)  The Lord gave us our minds and expects us to use them, just like any other talent or ability.
2)  He is not afraid of our minds--we are still children compared to His intelligence.
3)  We don't have to be afraid of out-thinking God.
4)  Just like He has perfect trails for the runner and beautiful sunsets for the poet, He has amazing mysteries and revelations for the genius.
5)  Sometimes our thinking is actually wrong. We have to remember that if there is a flaw, something that does not reconcile between what we think and what God says, that we are in error that will eventually, if we are humble and earnest, WILL be revealed so that we can be reconciled to the mind of God.  His mind>our mind.
6)  We are not better than any other child of God.  Each of us has been given our own specific sets of talents and abilities for HIS glory, not ours.
7)  Sometimes we rely on our intelligence to convince someone of God.  We have to remember that the Holy Spirit convicts, not us. 
8)  However, He might put in our paths other intellectuals who will benefit from our intellectual abilities to reason as they walk out new faith.

We do not have to put aside reason to believe in God, not at all.  The only problem comes when we rely on our reason more than we rely on God.  We are used to be the smartest person in the room, but that does not mean we are the smartest in the universe ;)

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