Tuesday, September 22, 2015

God and Science--Not Mutually Exclusive

There is a painful, ridiculous thread weaving its way through society:  that one can have faith OR one can be a scientist, but not be both.

Of course that is bunk.  Some of the greatest scientists of all time were deeply devout.  Science, is, after all, the study of the natural world which the Lord created.

However, secular humanism has co-opted science as their foundation, when in reality, they are no more faithless than Christians, but they put their faith into the limited minds and even more limited tools of men. 

This leads to science with no moral code (which leads to cheating and lying), as well as truly limits the ability of science to learn more--if the limit of the natural world is what men and their tools are capable of at that moment, then exploration and reception to new paradigms is inhibited.

Additionally, some deeply religious people fight against logic and reason, forgetting that these too are from the Lord and that humans cannot outwit or out think God, yet there seems to be a fear that someone might accidentally come across a fact that debunks the existence of God (which is impossible).

We need to bring science back into the proper place--not as a god, but as a process of discovery where even no results ARE results.  We encourage all Christians who are not necessarily scientifically minded to stretch into logic and reason and the sound mind that the Lord gave us.

When we do come across something that seems to contraindicate God, we can rest easy knowing that we, as humans and children in this universe, have not debunked God, but rather simply have either misinterpreted a result OR only know part of the story.  (For example, if one saw another person say "I hate you!" they might conclude that no love exists.  However, they might not realize that the two are acting out a play and actually are the best of friends.)  So we cannot take any result to be the end of all results, but must keep learning and asking the Lord for wisdom to apply knowledge.

If you are a scientist of faith who works among the unsaved, we recognize how difficult your job is.  The Lord bless you and your work and keep you from the weeds of secular humanism that will try to bloom in your mind and work.

Talk to us, we are here to support you. 

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