Monday, August 31, 2015

Can a Genius Believe In God?

Short answer:  Yes.

Medium length answer
:   Yes because a true genius understands that they just don't understand everything, that to limit our understanding by the limits of our sight or our technology is illogical.

Long answer:  I would ask, how can a true genius not even at least keep the option open?  Frankly, it is emotion, not intellect, that precludes many of our brightest from believing in God.  It is ridiculous to think we have conquered every question, been able to measure every realm or dimension.  Even if we are not ready to believe in God, we can't deny the possibility of His existence either, if we are intellectually astute and honest.

Intellectuals who deny the existence, or even the possibility, of God remind me of the bright minds in the Wright Brothers' time who insisted that a plane could never fly.  They were not stupid people.  They were the height of intelligence, as smart as you and I.  They just couldn't believe what they had not seen, which is the assertion of many atheist scientists..


Were the doubters correct?  Was the airplane a foolish concept?  Or did it fly because of forces and concepts that the intelligent at the time did not understand or know how to utilize?

See, this is the thing.  A true genius, to be able to go far, has to acknowledge that they simply do not know everything.  That opens the door to exploration and curiosity.  It is that humility and curiosity, not their ability, that enables them to reach. 

The thought that "If I don't know it myself, then it is not knowable" is, honestly, a little embarrassing.  Oh we all have done it from time to time, don't get me wrong, but we can not go further if we do not allow the possibility that there is more, simply because our minds will refuse to accept that which intrudes on where it has planted its flag of ego.

The scoffing genius can only work with what has already been known or what they deem is safe for their psyche.  I wonder if they are afraid of Something or Someone more intelligent than they?  Perhaps it is pride or fear, not science or logic, that is holding them back from potential understanding.  This is truly sorrowful--such a great gift hobbled by such an easily frightened or wounded psyche.

So, yes, a genius can believe in God.  Those who might be reading this and don't, consider the logic of denying what we might not be able to measure yet--like those who might have denied molecules or germs or radiowaves.  The "anything but God" concept is emotional, not rational.

Take a chance.  Open the door.  Drop the guard.  Stow the ego.  You might be surprised what you find when you allow that which you have refused to consider to percolate in your mind.  Honestly we have tested the consideration of the Lord and have discovered more reality (that can actually be observed) than one could imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent abd very helpful...thank you. I have 2 capable genius sons with whom I will share this !
