Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Along the Z Axis

Many years ago, I worked out a paradigm on the layers of complexity on which I operated.  I labeled these X, Y, and Z axis thinking.  Imagine a graph with horizontal X, vertical Y, and depth Z.

X axis thinking is basic stuff--whatever thinking you need to get your day done such as simple planning of time, basic checkbook math, drafting a letter.

Y axis thinking is a little more advanced thinking with creativity thrown in--algebra, writing a post, designing a room, gaming.  Takes more strategy, more planning, more analysis.

Z axis thinking is where the genius comes in--writing a book or sonnet, discovering your own math formulas, creating your own game, inventing an entirely new building material.  It was also is a rush of connections when a new, profound truth has been presented to me. It does not have to be new to everyone, just new to me.  I can feel the strongly stimulated neurons lighting up like a Christmas tree.  It's amazing I don't glow in the dark.

Z axis thinking is the sweet spot to me where my brain feels like it is being used and when I am done, there is both a sense of contentment and a desire for more.  Like a drug, but without the pesky jail time.

Figuring out how to spend enough time in Z axis thinking to stay mentally healthy without being like an addict is a serious consideration for the Capable Genius.  Not enough Z and the brain eats itself, which often looks like drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, depression, etc.  Too much seeking of Z is like trying to put a rainbow in our pocket--the rainbow will appear when it does, but we can't carry it with us (ok, physics guys, I know that one can carry a prism, etc.  Just go with me on this.).

An interesting thing or two about Z. 
a)I thought it was the same as joy or happiness, but it's not
b)I used to think only being  officially in a "thinking capacity" would provide Z, but that's not necessary
c)I didn't realize that I get a lot of Z rush from learning as much as being brilliant--input and output both are excellent Z generators
d)There is the capacity for Z not only in the brain, but in the heart, in the spirit, and in the body.  Z is the best I can be (not "the best that ANYONE can be" but the best that I am capable of).  There is Z in being an awesome parent.  There is Z in churning through the water for an hour.  There is the biggest Z without the "hangover" in learning and applying new spiritual truths. 

Z is just the best we can be to whatever capacity we have been given.  I will never be an Olympic swimmer, but there is as much Z in my personal best of 80 minutes of swimming (my goal is to be able to swim as long as I choose to) as there could ever be on the platform with a gold medal.  Probably because a medal is a red herring--we were made to "swim" (think, paint, invent, do math, whatever).  We were not actually created to "win medals" (or awards or whatever) as a purpose in life. (God did not say "His purpose is to pastor a flock.  Her purpose is to paint.  His purpose is to win whatever medals he can.").   Deep down, I think people either know that and do what they do for themselves, or they don't know that and cheat or lie.  To be intrinsically motivated, to do the best you can with what you've got, is the key.

I digress.  Today let's look for ways to be 100% in but also to look for new avenues of Z, of being the you God made you to be.  If you're restless, then look--you might be pegging out Z mentally but not spiritually or emotionally.   Remember, we are not brains in a jar.

1 comment:

  1. I love the analogy! For me, there is a naturalness to Z time that flows and interweaves through the X and Y things I need to do. It is also, for me, extremely multi-faceted and I have learned not to try to inhibit its direction but rather to ride that particular facet of it (assuming it isn't something pulling me away from God, yet rather lifting me to Him). For example, sometimes Z comes through painting, through playing piano, through maths, through physics, through poetry, though puzzles... and whilst I am in that stream, it tends to exclude the Z in the others for a while. Like a stream of light that changes colour. I still jump into the Y with the others, but that true Z feeling tends to be one stream at a time. Does anyone else find that?
