Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Be The Avenger

X-Men.  Avengers.  The Doctor and his many fabulous "fringy" folk who, like us, have extraordinary qualities. 

Now granted we can't fly or walk through walls, but we can invent tech that may allow us to do either.

Here is where a lot of Outliers get stuck though:  they live so much in their imagination that they do not actually WORK to become what they imagine.

It honestly is easier to dream and cosplay.  I totally get that.  And both dreaming and cosplay are awesome.

However, it is vital that we take stock of what we can do and DO it.  For example, I have a particular fondness for Sherlock (BBC, thank you very much) and Doctor Who.  I can watch someone be a consulting detective OR I can be a consulting detective.  I can watch someone play with time OR I can actually start trying to play with time myself (theoretical physics).

Frankly for too long I just imagined, pretended, dreamed.  It occurred to me that I was wasting my life watching other (fake) people have a life.  It was time for me to DO, so I started DOing.

Young Outliers, particularly, need good role models, which many of the superhero franchises provide.  However, they also need to be encouraged to actually, you know, do stuff.  Save the city.  Invent the suit.  Cure the ills.  If they want to dress up whilst they figure out how to stop the flooding, they are my favorite.

In any case, though, we Outliers need to make sure we use our imaginations to propel us forward into good work, not to hide from the real suffering and ideas that needs us to be real heroes and do-ers.

Who do you identify with?  What can you DO to start being that hero?

**Now, you Outlier writers and artists....obviously you live in your imagination to do your work.  Just make sure you a)run your imagination, don't let it run you b)don't let your imagination mess up your relationships, mind, and spirit  and c)put stuff out there.  Don't just imagine the book, WRITE the book.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what it is that holds so many back? Fear? Doubt? Fatalism?
    I guess it is time to start looking seriously at that book...
