Wednesday, March 30, 2016

No More Practice Bleeding Part 2

This is another problem with practice bleeding--it is just an imagination.  It is our worst fears.  We never imagine "My chest hurt and I thought it was a heart attack, but then I belched and felt better.  It was just gas."

"We got into a car accident, but no one was hurt and the insurance company was fabulous"


"Someone broke in and tripped over the lamp cord and conked themselves out.  When they came to, Max the Beagle barked and they were so scared that they peed themselves and ran away."

Now, sometimes bad things do happen.  Sometimes it really is a heart attack.  Sometimes it really is cancer.  Sometimes it really is a car accident with injuries.

A very wise man once said (paraphrasing) "The reason why it looks so scary when we picture the future is because we never picture God's grace in it.  He gives us grace for what we need today.  We don't need grace for what has not happened to us!"

We never imagine God's grace in the bad:
"I had a heart attack in the store and a guy gave me an aspirin right then and saved my life" (true story)


"My mom was given 6 weeks to live, but a doctor happened by and thought she was a good candidate for a new treatment and she lived 12 more years" (true story)


"There was a horrible car accident.  The truck flipped 8 times.  The whole truck was crushed.  But 'Bob' managed to crawl out with just a cut on his hand"  (true story)


"We experienced two deaths back to back in our family, both moms.  It could have torn us apart as one death is tragic, but two deaths are mind boggling.  Instead, our family drew closer together and to God.  When the worst of life happens, sometimes that is where the best happens too.  Sometimes the sweetest fruit is born from the most vile manure" (true story).

Christians have available to them an additional tool in their arsenal against, well, everything.  That is the Lord in their lives.  As real and tangible a force as gravity, the Lord moves the spirit and the mind.  When the emotions are too strong for the logical mind, the Spirit filled spirit can come to the aid of the mind and support it.

If you are not a Christian, we would ask you to reconsider because you really are missing out on the best that life has to offer.  You can't imagine the world that opens up to you.  It is everything you wanted, honestly. 

Now, don't confuse "religion" with "faith".  Religion is all the man made stuff.  Faith is the actual entering into a whole nuther dimension of you and of life.  If you have questions, ask, we are happy to help.

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