Thursday, March 24, 2016


"Things changed for me when I realized I was less afraid of what I had developed panic attacks over than the panic attacks themselves.  I would rather face my fear than another panic attack.  I had panic-panic!"--an Outlier

There will hopefully come a time when you are tired of being afraid, tired of missing out.  Tired of losing your life while you try to save it from stuff that is ridiculous.

You will realize that whatever you thought might happen to you is actually less bad than what your life has become.

You will realize that you have to let go, to face fear, to ignore fear, to punch it in the gut...something.

When you realize you don't like your identity to be "anxiety" or "OCD".  You want to be an artist.  A musician.  A mom.  An Outlier who is known for his theoretical physics work, not his daily freak outs.  An author who can actually, you know, GO to book signings, not someone afraid to touch the mail.  You want to be the you you were supposed to be this whole damn time.

You want your life back and you are ready to do what needs to be done.

When you hit this point, rejoice!  This is your moment.  Yesterday was as bad as it will ever get and you will only go up from here if you keep this attitude.

You will stop being crippled and start being awesome.  We are here to help.  Just let us know what you need and we will do our best.

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